How to make money on official crafting dead servers
How to make money on official crafting dead servers

how to make money on official crafting dead servers
  1. #How to make money on official crafting dead servers upgrade#
  2. #How to make money on official crafting dead servers password#
how to make money on official crafting dead servers

Remember that you still need chefs to cook the food and doctors to administer most medical treatments in order to get the most benefit from them.

how to make money on official crafting dead servers

You should find the new items in your inventory provided that you have the space for them. You have to be online in order to receive your items. Similarly this can also be done with medication if you have the doctor profession, and also can be done with food if you have the chef profession.Īccording to the help file, farmers and scientists are able to create food and medicine respectively. Alternatively if your character has the engineer profession (and providing you're a high enough level) you can repair your own armor by going to your inventory and dragging the armor over the repair icon, but it will still take away 10% of your hunger. Go to Marketplace- Repair tab, drag the armor to the icon to the right of the person who is high enough level to repair your armor. Similar to above, take your armor off, and have money on hand. Drag the medical item to the doctor's red cross whom you wish to purchase services from and make sure you have enough cash on hand to buy the service and that the doctor is of appropriate level. A level 21 player will get the same amount of points whether he uses bandages or morphine.) Hire a doctor from the 'Services-Medical' tab in the Marketplace in your outpost. Nevertheless, you will get the same amount of health points from medications at your level and higher ones (e.g. Medication that are at your character's level or higher are effective, and paying for a fellow player's services to help triples their effectiveness. Lower level medicines are less effective. Go to your inventory and drag and drop medications onto your avatar. 2.24 What is the Elite Shop? How do I get there?.2.23 How do I change classes? I want to be something else!.2.20 Why can't I loot certain cars or bodies?.2.18 I hear the word looting a lot, what does it mean? How do I loot?.2.16 What do the rusty key, severed hand, or Secronom keycard do?.2.15 What is the enhance button, and what does it do?.2.14 What does being Master-crafted mean and how does that work?.2.13 What is a clan? How do I join one?.2.10 Help! I'm being mobbed by zombies EVERYWHERE! What the hell is going on?.2.9 How do I tell how powerful a weapon is?.Why can't I buy things in the shop? What are credits, and how do I get them? 2.4 Why does multiplayer still seem AI controlled?.

how to make money on official crafting dead servers

2.2 Is there some kind of party system?.2.1 I'm playing with friends why can't I see or play with some of them? Whats going on there?.1.8 Help! I'm gaining experience very slowly! What's going on?.1.7 What does the Nourishment Level of food and the Healing level of medical supplies mean?.1.4 How do I use my class skills (doctor, chef, engineer)?.1.3 According to the help file, farmers and scientists are able to create food and medicine respectively.

#How to make money on official crafting dead servers upgrade#

If you want to continue making money, then you will need to upgrade your servers when the number of people gets too large or the games take up too much memory on the server. The most common ways of publicizing products are advertising, social media and news coverage. If you are hosting a local game, then you will need to publicize your business in order to get people to come and play the game. This will give only paying customers access to the server and the game.

#How to make money on official crafting dead servers password#

They both have the ability to set up a username and password system for either a membership section of your website, which you can provide access to your server, or directly with the server itself for a limited time. If you host a small scale or even local game, then you can charge people a monthly fee to play.Ĭreate your pay-for-access system by working with your Internet service provider or hosting company. If you are working with a large company, they will likely lease your servers for their game that will be the primary source of revenue.

How to make money on official crafting dead servers